I really don't have much to post about at the moment. I promise I'll try and be a better blogger soon.
I've recovered from the flu enough that I went out on Saturday night and didn't stagger home again until 7am Sunday morning. It was a fun night, what I remember of it: birthday drinks for my cartoonist friend David 'Herman the Legal Labrador' Blumenstein in the front bar at The Spanish Club, followed by a dash of burlesque out the back (although the stage was too low and the crowd to crowded for me to really see very much, save for a glimpse of Gabi from The Town Bikes with what looked like flyswats on her head as antennae, and a cheerfully drunk Glenny G as MC whipping up the crowd into a frenzy).
Then it was on to Control for a few drinks, which turned into lots of drinks, and substances, and very animated conversations, and I'm not quite sure what else but I think it was fun...
Earlier in the day I went to see Pirates of the Carribean: Dead Man's Chest which was too long, and rather disappointing, although not entirely without merit (it's a 2.5 out of 5 sort of film, if you'll allow me a Margaret and David-kind-of-moment). Nonetheless it inspired me to go and pick up The Complete Idiot's Guide to Pirates, a thick tome detailing real pirate history and culture, which I'll probably use as inspiration for a new piratical Stormbringer RPG campaign* I'm thinking of running soon for some friends.
Sunday I slept in til 12.30pm before strolling off to Mario's for lunch with the inimitable Clem Bastow, and a broad-ranging conversation that took in parents, boys, stalkers and arts journalism: it was a lovely couple of hours.
Back at home, I freshened up, powdered my nose, fopped up (akin to frocking up, but sans the dress, as Jess will testify - I ran into her just as I was hailing a cab) and caught a taxi out to Bulleen, for a garden party to celebrate the official reopening of the Heide Museum of Modern Art.
Ah, Heide.
Beautiful food. Endless and excellent wines, champagnes, and other alcoholic treats. Stimulating conversations. A superb new exhibition of Albert Tucker's Paris paintings. A great flock of black cockatoos flapping screeching overhead at sunset. INTERMINABLE FUCKING SPEECHES. When will arts bureacrats remember that we don't want a meandering 15 minute lecture, just a few quick, witty, wrly observed words?
Then home, an aromatic curry for dinner, and bed.
So, how was your weekend?
*Yes, I am a dag who plays role playing games, and have done since I was 15. Get over it.
For someone recovering from the dreaded lurgy, you certainly know how to not let it curtail your lifestyle. I doff my hat to you sir.
sounds like a delicious weekend! i was especially jealous of your lazy lunch at mario's. and of course, that you saw the lovely jess. ah well, tomorrow night.
have you heard that we will be fielding an uber-team? the brunswick massive has, sadly, dissolved. *sniff*
hope to see you...
What, no massive? Damn. Count me in for the uber-team though - I actually have a Tuesday night free, and illness-free!
My good name wasn't mentioned in your conversation with Clem, was it?
All readers should know that Richard a) is an excellent lunch date an b) looked very dashing on his way to Heide (assuming he didn't change into, I dunno, a Batman outfit or something).
Actually Clem, I did change - dropped the formal shirt and jacket for a frilly black lace goth shirt with exageratted cuffs, a red velvet jacket with black lapels, and a 1920's black silk & velvet opera scarf. Tres foppish, as I said. ;-)
Hmmm. You weren't at the Saturday afternoon session of Pirates in the city were you? I'd already crossed barnacle-encrusted cutlasses with two of the mateys mentioned in this post on the same weekend in question; to have passed to starboard of your own self under the starry darkness of Melbourne Central's Hoyts would be...naaarrr....
I've had a long-standing hatred of arts speeches, too.
I went to a 12.30pm session I think, Born Dancin'...
I both love and hate Heide. It's such a complex place.
Yes I'm with you on the speeches.
when will they learn?
they are only fun if you have a wit next to you whispering an on the spot parody of everything said. The bitchier the better.
I thought you looked very dashing on Sunday (v. piratical!) - yes, I was sitting with Jess (and a bunch of other bloggers) and said, "Hey, isn't that Richard Watts?"
How did the uber-team go? I couldn't go to trivia on Tuesday, had a film screening at the Nova. Team Motherfucking Discovery Channel better not have won...
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